Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lego Universe Free-To-Play Link LEAKED! [updated x2]

On the Lego Universe News Forums, a topic cam up concerning the Lego Universe Free-To-Play Trial. Then, a post by a user named "Kelvin" popped up. He said:

"Thanks. And the free trial is already able in Lego Universe Official website!!!!!! It's leaked!!"

So, I went looking for the link. I did not find it. I asked kelvin, but he wouldn't give it to me. Then a user named "Sim533" posted and said:

"I think I know the link."

And so I asked him for the link. He gave it to me. Here is is:

It doesn't work yet, but it is not a dead link. If a link on is a dead link, that it will redirect to a "Page Not Found" page. But this link goes to an "ERROR" page that your internet browser brings up. that means that the link cannot connect to a redirect page, because it will soon become a real link. :)

Well, I've leaked so much, there is a puddle on the floor!



Now, sources (Kelvin) tell me that LU F2P Will launch August 20th. :( That's too late if you ask me.

[Update Number 2]

Now LegoFan101 says that the release date is all wrong. And he says that Kelvin just GUESSED the date of release. Here is the quote:

"I inquired about this. It was a randomly picked date - not something you should stake your claim on. :P

But yes, PAH, I'd suggest you wait until the Free Trial comes. :) 

It'll be a lot like the first day of Beta. Broken chat, one world, limited items, no need for trading. :P "


  1. It is now closed,as of 30Th January 2012 12:00pm EST and 5:00AM GMT.IT will be sadly missed by all that play it.

    ||||||¬ProAVENGER¬|||||| 'R.I.P LU'
