Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Evolution of the Plaza

Hello, Peoples! Since LEGO Universe has closed, I think it's time to say some things. No, not bad things, but things about the Development stages of the game. You may already know this, but LEGO Universe was going to be a flat-plane, easy goings type game.

A main world in the original game was called "YouReeka". It was a skunk-themed plaza world. It was all dirty, and brown.

The Original YouReeka

But, as development continued, the focus groups just did not like it. So, the developers remodeled it into a bright and cheery Zorillo Plaza.

Zorillo Plaza was a very complete world, but when they took it to a German focus group, they said they didn't like it. So, the developers were stuck. I guess that they really liked the concept of a Plaza themed world, because right before Alpha came out, a world named Zorillo Station was under development. Zorillo Station soon dropped the Zorillo part and it became Nimbus Station. Once released to the Apha testers, Nimbus Station was nearly the same as Zorillo Plaza. They both had skunks, buildings, and a plaza. So that's how the world Nimbus Station was formed.


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